Sunday, March 30, 2008

Saturday, March 22, 2008

insult to injury

i cannot even fathom the events that have unfolded tonight.

could we possibly be free, barely scathed?

Sunday, March 16, 2008

celebrity encounters

you might be wondering why this is my picture of the day. i'll get to that in a second. jenny and i started out our day by hitting the road at 4am. fast forward twelve hours we arrive in wilmington, north carolina. after getting dinner, we were walking around downtown and decided to get ice cream. whilst in line, jenny called my name and directed my attention towards the person in front of us in line. IT WAS CHAD MICHAEL MURRY. aka, this handsome broody man on the left who committed the unforgivable crime of infidelity against the amazing sophia bush. nevertheless he is extremely hot and made eye contact with both jenny and me. we probably would have said hi if he a) weren't a cheating dog & 2) wasn't with his teeny bopper toothpick of a girlfriend.

what a great week this shall be :)

Sunday, March 9, 2008

far away places

long time no updates. today i went to boston to visit my mom (who is there on business) and britt! we went to the north end/mikes pastries and stuffed ourselves with italian food. i was in a major food coma on the train ride home.

i took this picture a while ago, my friend marissa went abroad last semester and sent me the coolest postcards, and so i became inspired. not only to take pictures of her sweet postcards but to go abroad myself. so tomorrow im mailing in my application for three different study abroad programs for this summer. im applying to a liberal arts program in london, one in stirling, scotland, and one in australia. yay for culture and travel!

speaking of travel, spring break is coming up next week. jenny and i are driving to north carolina to stalk film crews, hang on the beach, be in warm weather, have some road trip fun, and possibly be extras on one tree hill? we'll sign autographs on a per request basis :)